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Little League California District 49

About District 49

Little League California District 49 is a volunteer organization, run by District and Local League volunteers, is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization and is incorporated with the California Secretary of State.  Our local leagues teach the youth in the High Desert life lessons and leadership and use baseball & softball as the outlet to teach those lessons.

In accordance with §18950 of the California Business and Professions Code, notice is hereby provided that Little League California District 49, Incorporated, requires its applicants for volunteer membership to undergo state and federal criminal background checks as a condition of participation in our program. Little League California District 49, Incorporated, seeks to identify crimes involving and/or against a minor or other criminal activity inconsistent with guidelines established by Little League Baseball, Incorporated.


When Little League officials first organized California leagues into districts in 1958, they created 33 districts that were numbered sequentially from far Northern California to San Diego.  As Little League's popularity has grown, and as California's population has expanded and migrated, the number of districts in the state has doubled.  Today, there are 70 districts in California, including 39 in Southern California.  No other state has as many districts as Southern California.

District 49 was created in 1961. It was comprised of teams that previously competed in District 22 (which is now the El Centro & Brawley areas).  Our District has remained unchanged in area since 1968.

District 49 is currently composed of 13 chartered leagues and covers approximately 2,900 square miles in area.

Some Fun Facts

District 49 has sent teams to the World Series four times!

  • A District 49 team went to the Big League Baseball World Series in 1968
  • A District 49 team WON the Big League Baseball World Series in 1969
  • A District 49 team went to the Big League Baseball World Series in 1992
  • Victorville American placed 4th at the Senior League Softball World Series in 2013
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